Monday 21 May 2007

Everyone loves an underdog....?

It seems today, less than a week after Howard suggested his, and his party's poor showing in the polls was down to the great Aussie sense of humour, his spin doctors have decided that perhaps belittling a disenchanted public's opinion of him might not perhaps be the best way to win them back. So today, in all of his humble, self effacing glory he changed his tune stating:

"We are behind at the present time and I have been warning for a long time that it would be very hard for the Government to win this election.
"And it's quite clear that the public after 11 years of this Government is contemplating a change. I wouldn't want the Australian people to think I was not understanding that.
"But there is a long way to go and I do believe that as we get closer to the election there will be a greater focus on the consequences of change."

So, for a long time he has been claiming they had a tough fight and were coming in as the underdog on this coming election apparently...even if he was laughing it off as that dry wit of the Australian public just a week ago... It is still interesting to see that in conceding the Australian public want change, he is not prepared to say "I'll do better, I'll try harder", but simply, "Australian's will change their views, not me. They'll see the error of their ways...they'll come round". While trying to promote the fact he is in touch with the public feeling, he is essentially saying the public is wrong in their perception of him, not that he needs to address this perception.
The Public: "You are out of touch"
Johnny: "I hear what you're saying"
The Public: "What do you propose to do to remedy this?"
Johnny:"'ll come's got your purse strings! Booger Booger Booger!"

Will someone put the underdog down? He seems to have a incurably diseased perspective.



At 23 May 2007 at 10:58 am , Blogger Snowy said...

Nice to see them on the defensive, and they just can't understand why this is so. After all, the economy is going great guns according to them, and they handed out enough bribes in the budget.

They just don't understand that it isn't enough to say the economy is going great. It's how the pie is carved up that matters, and thanks to Workchoices, workers have finally realised that their slice is shrinking. Bring it on.


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