Saturday 24 February 2007

Cheney tells us what our values are

Firstly, hi folks. I have decided to join the chattering hordes with my own blog as I simply couldn't see how collective thought could survive without my input.
That aside, I'd like to kick this little web party off with something I noticed on the news sites yesterday. Mr Cheney, who we have the good fortune of modifying our weapons laws for, yesterday said:

"Americans know that for this country 'standing by your mate when he's in a fight' are more than words in a song. They signify a way of life."

- care of

Very clever of him to ingratiate himself to us via John Williamson lyrics, the oldest trick in the book. However, as noble an ideal of "standing by your mate when he's in a fight" may be, like any great ideal there comes provisos:

1. If your mate goes looking for a fight and picks it himself, standing by him means pulling him out of the bruhaha if he's getting his head kicked in. It doesn't mean blindly diving into the fight that he picked. That's called Assault.

2. If your mate goes looking for a fight and against all available advice, attacks someone, you exercise tough love. You stand back, let him cop a flogging, and waggle your finger paternally, saying "Maybe next time you'll seek UN Approval".

3. If you are dragged into a fight your mate picked, and you truly believe his fight is a just one, you throw yourself in headfirst and genuinely "Stand By Your Mate". You don't act as a token cheer squad, whilst insisting he carries on with the fight. That is cowardice, and should not be rewarded with ingratiating references to song lyrics.

Just a few points to clear things up. Enjoy your stay Mr Cheney and you will be forgiven if you mistake our dear Prime Minister for a duck.



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